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BCIO Head Office Member 2017

The result of 2017 BCIO Head Office member has been announced.

We have received so many impressive applications from the BC members and it was really very difficult for us to select 2017 Head Office members. We would like to express our warm gratitude for those who sent us the application.

This time we have selected 2 former PAs as BCIO Head Office members. Here are their names and responsibilities:

* Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al Zahid (BC Bangladesh): Maintain Strong BC & Funding

* Ms. Sophie Elizabeth McCracken-Evans (BC Australia): Common Activity In charge & Public Relation

2017 BCIO HOM.jpg

All the applicants showed us many concrete ideas to improve the BCIO management.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for showing us your strong interest in BC activities, BCIO management and sharing your ideas with us. For those who couldn't get the chance this time, please do not get disappointed. We hope that you will support the selected HOM and contribute to this year’s ideas.

BCIO would like to keep in touch with all of you to construct a strong BCIO management. 

We are the BRIDGE.