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Diwali Donation Project

A donation program was organised by Shreynik (JA 2014) and Jaanvi Gandhi (JA 2016) on occassion of Diwali festival, the festival of lights at Tirupur,Tamil Nadu. They had decided to give away new clothes to the children of the slum, the orphanages, the old and poor children who cannot afford to buy themselves some new clothes.They used the media and prepared videos of the project and spread the message of APCC to our community and many of them were happy about the concept and they funded our project.They literally went to the slums and shared the clothes and biscuits and had a great pleasure to do the same.The videos and photos are attached.They collected around 312 clothes, bedsheets for the road side people. Both Junior Ambassadors thanked BRIDGE CLUB India and APCC for giving them this golden oppurtunity to serve the community and to give them a sense of satisfaction.Thanks to all the past and present team leaders and BCIO for motivating us and initiating us to do worthy projects. 



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