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BC Activity Reports RENEWAL


BCIN Celebrates Environment Day

On June 5, 2023, for World Environment Day, I planned something for my bridge club after receiving a mobile notification. I discussed it with my brother Jc Vijay Ganessh, President of JCI Tiruvannamalai Deepam. We decided on a nature walk and an exciting hike to Skandhasramam, a spiritual cave in Annamalai hill where Sri Ramana Maharshi meditated daily. Although we couldn't make it happen on the 5th, we rescheduled for the next morning. Initially enthusiastic about the 1.4km hike, I soon faced cramping legs and heavy breathing. Encouraged by others, we continued, enjoying the sounds of a nearby stream and the calls of cuckoo birds. Several times, I considered giving up, feeling suffocated by the increasing altitude. Finally, at around 1,250m, I asked my companions to go ahead as I couldn't continue. Overwhelmed with guilt, I decided to push myself. I eventually reached the destination, cheered on by my fellow mates. We captured the breathtaking view of the town. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and reminded me to reflect on why we start and the efforts we invest. Save nature for a happy future. With love, Dr. Aksshaya Rajanbabu MBBS, JA 2009" Thumbnail image for Environment Day Walk.jpeg

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