Common Activity

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[Result of "100,000 SMILES" project] Total number ⇒  OVER 122,000!!!

The total number of smiles reported form 2008 PAs was 67,027 and adding the number of distributed materials in Japan,
it was proved to be about 122,000 smiles.  Also adding the promotion by mass media, it was more than 122,000.
The common activity for 2008-2009 have completed with a big success.  Thank you so much for your efforts toward "100,000 Smiles" project.




During the PA camp in 2008, PAs and BC Japan members discussed what we should do and concluded that we will focus on promotion this year because we think it is important to inform the public about the APCC and understand how the APCC is trying to spread peace and co- existence. Thus, we launched the "100,000 SMILES" project which intends to spread the aims and the message of the APCC and BC to 100,000 people by the time of the next APCC.

1. Whom do we promote to?
We promote to people who don't know about APCC or BC. Count every person you or your BC members promote to, even a single person that you have a one on one discussion with.

2. How do we promote?
Every person you talk to about APCC or BC counts so please use the 100,000 SMILES Sheet and fill it out as soon as you have completed the promotion. Every BC member can participate in this promotion so please collect all the sheets once they are filled in.

3. Completion Date?
Until the end of June 2009

4. How do we count?
Each month please collect your sheets and email BCIO the total number to let us know of your progress. Please send all of your sheets to BCIO at the end of January 2009 and June 2009. Please be accurate as we need the numbers to add up at the end of the project.

5. How do we know the total?
BCIO will update the current total number in this website. Please check the following.


Total 67,027 people (As of June. 30, 2009)

Country/region Number
Hong Kong 3,647
Thailand 1,060
Malaysia 66
Indonesia 1,795
Vietnam 1,051
Bangladesh 1,708
Bhutan 2,174
India 40
Nepal 3,450
Mongolia 760
Sri Lanka 4,112
Australia 12,343
New Zealand  
Hawaii 545
Kiribati 105
Vanuatu 100
Russia 25,150
Japan 8,921























※The above numbers are reported from the 2008 PAs and the numbers achieved through printed matters and distributed materials are also included.

【Promotion by the mass media】

Mongolia ( June, 2009 ) ---------------------------------Radio broadcast
Bangladesh ( May, 2009 ) 500,000-------------------------Radio broadcast
Indonesia ( March, 2009 )--------------------------------TV broadcast
Nepal( January, 2009 ) ---------------------------------Newspaper
Russia ( November, 2008 ) 25,000-------------------------Newspaper
Australia ( September, November 2008 ) 11,000-------------Newspaper & Magazine
Viet Nam ( Aug, 2008 - June. 2009 ) 6,950-----------------Newspaper & Website
Hong Kong( September 2008 ) ---------------------------Radio broadcast
Hawaii( July, 2008 )------------------------------------Radio broadcast
APCC( August - June, 2009 )----------------------------Radio broadcast, Newspaper, TV broadcast