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The “Peace by Piece” Art Contest is aimed at sharing the values of diversity, respect, understanding, and perseverance found in the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) movie, Midori’s Flying Goldfish, with as many people as possible. The contest gives children and adults all around the world the chance to be recognized for their artistic ability while celebrating values necessary for peace and the OMOIYARI spirit- Respect and Understanding spirit.

APCC movie is used as a tool to spread the APCC message to a wider public.

The art contest was open to people of all ages and from all over the world. Entries were submitted through Facebook.


Division A- Contestants 16 years and younger

Division B- Contestants 17 years and over



* The movie was shown to the public to spread the message of APCC.

* 35 Screening Events were organized in more than 20 Countries.

* About 5000 people worldwide have watched movie including former APCC participants.

* BRIDGE CLUBs/Liaison Offices organized movie showing events in different places such as schools, colleges, private organizations, auditorium halls, media centers, etc.


Contest Recap

* 360 total entries from 18 different countries and regions

* Over 15,000 unique visitors to the contest page on Facebook

* 9,282 votes cast in the People's Choice Contest

* 35 honorable mentions awarded


How did the “Peace by Piece” Project foster the development of 3 core qualities necessary for “GLOBAL BRIDGE LEADERS”?

1. Communication: Developed through publicizing the movie and the contest to a wider public.

2. Action: Countries held screening events that, not only members of APCC family but also people from all over the world participated actively in the art contest with wonderful creations promoting OMOIYARI spirit.

3. REspect: This art contest helped participants to have a better understanding of what OMOIYARI means and to be open to new ideas.

Feedback from participants:

“Little Deeds of love makes this earth happy like a heaven above.”

The movie has a very impressive message that “Never loose hope”.

Midori's Flying Goldfish is a movie with a message of Peace and coexistence and had good impact on the innocent minds of students towards global peace.

It’s so AWESOME! I can feel the ‘Omoiyari Sprit’ deeply from it. No matter how the cultures, countries and languages are different, they are the colours of the world.

I like the movie, it’s special effects and it’s concept of peace and friendship.

Winners and Honorable mentions:2014_Peace_By_Piece_Winners.pdf

Congratulations to all the Winners!!!